Sunday Thought – 22.12.24

At a time where many around the world remember Jesus’ birth, it’s easy to get too involved with all the preparations, celebrations and family gatherings, losing sight of the ‘reason for the season’. The Bible teaches that Jesus will come a second time and warns people to be prepared: “keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (NIV, Matthew 25:13). This verse is part of a parable which features five “foolish” virgins who were not prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival and didn’t get into the promised wedding banquet – a metaphor for some people not being ready for the future “kingdom of heaven”.

The purpose of Jesus’ first coming was to be the ultimate sacrifice for sin and bring salvation for those who are waiting for him (Hebrews 9:26-28). Christmas is about this first coming and its reason but how much importance is placed on his return? When Christians take bread and wine (as part of Communion) they are encouraged to remember Jesus’ return as well as his death, “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (NIV, 1 Corinthians 11:26). This Sunday, amidst the nativity scenes and carols, take a moment to think about Jesus’ return and whether you are ready for it.

From all at Westcliffe, we hop that everyone has a wonderful Christmas time as they remember the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ… and look forward to his second coming, whenever that may be. Maranatha!

Prayer Points for the Week:

  • Pray for the safe travels of those visiting family or returning home for Christmas.
  • Pray for those who lost loved ones or were injured in the attack at Magdeburg in Germany.
  • Please pray for the situations in Ukraine and the Middle East. For peace; for aid to get through to those in need; for those mourning the loss of loved ones.