Sunday Thought – 06.10.24

Most of us do not enjoy waiting: we want ‘instant’ action! When this doesn’t happen we often become impatient, frustrated or perhaps annoyed and angry, whether our waiting is caused by telephone calls, doctors’ appointments, congested roads, delayed flights or simple deliveries. 

Christians are not immune from these challenges and may demonstrate the same impatience-driven reactions. However, the Bible teaches that prayer can be an effective counter to this and encourages readers to be people of prayer. The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica to “Pray continually” (NIV, 1 Thessalonians 5:17) while Jesus himself advised his disciples to “Always pray and not give up” (NIV, Luke 18:1).

Prayer doesn’t offer instant action but comfort through the waiting. There are numerous examples in the Bible where persistent prayer seemingly went unanswered for many years such as Hannah in 1 Samuel 1 waiting for a child or Anna in Luke 2:36-39 awaiting the Messiah. Despite no positive or visible answers being immediately received, these women (and many others) continued praying, trusting that God always hears our prayers: “he hears the prayer of the righteous” (NIV, Proverbs 15:29), “I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry” (NIV, Psalm 40:1).

Christians believe that God’s answer to prayer may be “yes”, “no” or “wait”. They trust that while they are waiting, God is working. Today are you able to trust this and “always pray and not give up”?

Prayer Points for the Week:

  • Pray for the children at the heart of this week’s school acid attack in London.
  • Pray for civilians in war zones around the world, no matter their government or nationality.
  • Please pray for the situations in Ukraine and the Middle East. For peace; for aid to get through to those in need; for those mourning the loss of loved ones.