Sunday Thought – 26.01.25
This past week has brought a new American President to power. Donald Trump certainly has provoked, and I suspect will continue to provoke, controversy for many observers in his own country and overseas.

In a recent BBC radio interview, Franklin Graham (son of the late Billy Graham, and who was involved in the President’s inauguration ceremony on 20th January) was asked; “What, in your opinion, would Jesus think of President Trump? “. There was a pause before Franklin responded:
“Jesus said ‘I have come not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance’ (Luke 5 v 32). I would say that Donald Trump is a sinner, Franklin Graham is a sinner and you, the interviewer, are a sinner.”
The Bible says that ‘all have sinned’ (Romans 3 v 23). Whether we be in positions of power and influence or none, we can all be “sinners saved by grace“ (Ephesians 2 v 8-10). Let’s continue to pray for the American President and all politicians. that they will know the personal application of these words in their lives.